Monday, October 28, 2013

Ebay Sales Declining Recently - Some Reasons Why

If your ebay sales have been down lately here are some reasons why it may be happening.

CEO at Niceties, LLC
I had a fabulous conversation with Seller Support and finally got some great answers to our search problems. As it turns out Cassini search is not the problem. The problem is mobile. According to them almost 50% of the purchases on ebay are now made through mobile. We are in the process of cleaning up almost 900 listings to meet this new criteria.

1. If you have any apps with embedded photos or logos in your description of your listing, remove all of them. iphones and smart phones do not recognize them and will drop them from searching on mobile. I was told to delete them from the top and from the bottom as well using HTML.

I cancelled all of my apps and am in the processing of removing all of them.

2. If you are using the Multiple Choice Listings and are listing large quantities in Good Until Cancelled and have only sold a few they willl not be high in the searches because the search sees no reason for urgency. When only listing one or two the search will pick it up as a hot item with little stock. There is also an app that can fool the crawlers that was suggested to help control inventory. The name of the app is Quantity Manager.

3. I was also advised to remove any colored font and go back to black. If I need to highlight then bold is read for mobile.

4. Good Until Cancelled listings should be taken down and refreshed every 6 to 9 months. Any older than that are pushed to the bottom of the searches.

Example for us was shoes that we continuously restock and some styles have been active for about 2 years so we are taking them down now twice a year.

I know that many of you have been having slow sales so I thought I would pass this on in hopes this would help you. I can't wait to see the results for us and am excited for the first time in a long time. We were about to liquidate our business until I gained this informaiton.